Sondra Arkin
Rain Forest (Permutations Toward Infinity #304)
MediumWax, ink, shellac on dibond
Dimensions32 × 32 in. (81.3 × 81.3 cm)
Framed Size: 34 1/4 × 34 1/4 in. (87 × 87 cm)
Credit LineDC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Art Bank Collection
Object numberDCCAH2015.006
- Committee on Housing and Community (1350 Penn Ave NW, 116)
DescriptionMade of layers of wax and shellac and ink, the “Rain Forest (Permutations Toward Infinity #304)” challenges the viewer to focus on the different layers as rain or forest or a combination of both at once. The shellac layers allow a kind of transparency that Arkin wasn’t able to achieve with opaquely pigmented wax. In these works, all of the pigment is in the shellac, which retains its transparency.