Mihira Karra
Karra started sketching and using pastels as a child and realized her passion for portraiture and figurative art at age twelve. She focused mainly on portraits of family and friends early on, using them as live models to pose for her. She later used photographs as inspiration for figurative work. Her work in International Development has also inspired portraits of women, men, and children from her travels around the world.
More recently, Karra has delved into the world of fiber arts, using fabric as a medium for portraits and figures. She is also an avid knitter and has knit over 800 articles of clothing for men, women, and children. She is a member of the Vienna Art Society, The Potomac Fiber Arts Guild, and The Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA. She has exhibited in several shows of the Vienna Art Society and The Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery.
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Person TypeArtist
American, b. 1980, Washington, DC