Lynn Kanaskie
Lynn Kanaskie
Lynn Kanaskie

Lynn Kanaskie

BiographyLynn Kanaskie began her career as a photographer’s assistant, then moved into lab work in various photo lab darkrooms throughout the DC area. As photographic processes changed over the years and digital photography became prevalent, Kanaskie transitioned to managing and ingesting photo assets, working with various photo browsers and Digital Asset Management systems. She is currently Digital Assets Specialist at the United States Senate. She has recently returned to art-making, producing surreal, dreamlike photographs with juxtaposed objects and vibrant color palettes. She was featured in the Corcoran School of Art Biennial in 2003. Her work has been exhibited at National Institutes of Health and the Lombardi Center at Georgetown University. She holds a BFA in photography from the Corcoran School of Art.
Person TypeArtist